• Overview
  • Obesity prevalence
  • Trends over time
  • Population breakdowns
  • Drivers
  • Comorbidities
  • Economic impact
  • Policies
  • Contextual factors
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Obesity prevalence

Adults, 2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:16571
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmiaald.px/ (last access 03.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Data available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat Database:http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2013

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:9552
Area covered:National
References:http://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/documents/statistik-uppfoljning/enkater-undersokningar/nationella-folkhalsoenkaten/Resultat-2013/resultat-overvikt-fetma-hlv-2013.xls (accessed 3rd April 2014)
Notes:Details provided by the Public Health Agency of Sweden
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2002

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1032
Area covered:Regional
References:Berg C, Rosengeren A, Aires N, Lappas G, Toren K, Thelle D and Lissner L. (2005). Trends in overweight and obesity from 1985 to 2002 in Goteborg, West Sweden. IJO, 29 (8): 916 - 924.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2000-2003

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat Yearbook 2006/07. A goldmine of statistical information. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/5059290/1-20022007-BP-EN.PDF.pdf/edab8c31-b9f3-4c8e-b4db-4137bd045efa?t=1414683510000 (last accessed 04.11.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1990

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1579
Area covered:Regional
References:Berg C, Rosengren A, Aires N, :appas G, Toren K, Thelle D, Lissner L. Trends in overweight and obesity from 1985 to 2002 in Goteborg, West Sweden. IJO 2005 online published ahead of print.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1985

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1404
Area covered:Regional
References:Berg C, Rosengren A, Aires N, :appas G, Toren K, Thelle D, Lissner L. Trends in overweight and obesity from 1985 to 2002 in Goteborg, West Sweden. IJO 2005 Aug;29(8):916-24
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Children, 2021-2022

Survey type:Self-reported
References:Rakic JG, Hamrik Z, Dzielska A, Felder-Puig R, Oja L, Bakalár P et al. A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 4. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2024. 'Any translation was not created by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original English edition shall be the binding and authentic edition'
Notes:HBSC aims to survey approximately 1500 pupils per age group in each country or region (totaling around 4500)

Children, 2018-2020

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:12658
Area covered:National
References:Report on the fifth round of data collection, 2018–2020: WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI). Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2022. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Cutoffs:WHO 2007

Children, 2017-2018

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:4294
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2017-18 Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/C_HBSC/C_HBSC__Halsa__Vikt/viktHBSC.px/table/tableViewLayout1/ (last accessed 03.03.21)

Children, 2014-2015

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:3307
Area covered:Regional
References:Eriksson M, Lingfors H, Golsäter M. Trends in prevalence of thinness, overweight and obesity among Swedish children and adolescents between 2004 and 2015. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Apr 10. doi: 10.1111/apa.14356.
Notes:11yrs Sample 3307, Jönköping County NB. Combined child data estimated. These estimates were calculated by weighting male and female survey results. Weighting based on World Bank Population % total female (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS - accessed 20.11.20)

Children, 2013

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1135
Area covered:Regional
References:Moraeus L, Lissner L, Olsson L, Sjoberg A. Age and time effects on children’s lifestyle and overweight in Sweden. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:355 DOI 10.1186/s12889-015-1635-3
Notes:IOTF International Cut off points

Children, 2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:4538
Area covered:National
References:A. Sjöberg, L. Moraeus, A. Yngve, E. Poortvliet, U. Al-Ansari and L. Lissner. Overweight and obesity in a representative sample of schoolchildren - exploring the urban-rural gradient in Sweden. Obesity Reviews 2011;12: 305–314. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00838.x http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21348925
Notes:IOTF International cut off points

Children, 2007-2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:3716
Area covered:National
References:Spinelli et al (2019). 'Childhood Severe Obesity in Europe', Obes Facts.12, pp. 244–258. (Data from COSI round 1-3)
Notes:NOTE - this data is from COSI round I (2007 - 208) IOTF cut-offs used.

Children, 2000-2001

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:6311
Area covered:Regional
References:Mårild S, Bondestam M, Bergström R, Ehnberg S, Hollsing A and Albertsson-Wikland K. (2004). Prevalence trends of obesity and overweight among 10-year-old children in western Sweden and relationship with parental body mass index. Acta Pœdiatric, 93; 1588 -1595.
Notes:IOTF Cut off. Reference: Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: International survey. BMJ. 2000 May 6;320(7244):1240-3.

Children, 1990-1991

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:3738
References:Bellizzi MC, Horgan GW, Guillaume M, Dietz WH. Prevalence of childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity in Asian and European countries. In: Obesity in Childhood
Notes:IOTF Cut off. Reference: Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: International survey. BMJ. 2000 May 6;320(7244):1240-3

Children, 1986

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:507
Area covered:Regional
References:Petersen S, Brulin C, Bergstrom E. Increasing prevalence of overweight in young schoolchildren in Umea, Sweden, from 1986 to 2001. Acta Paediatr 2003;92:848-853
Notes:IOTF Cut off. Reference: Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: International survey. BMJ. 2000 May 6;320(7244):1240-3

Overweight/obesity by age and education

Adults, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Eurostat Database:http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Eurostat Database:http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Overweight/obesity by education

Men, 2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:16571
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmifutb.px/table/tableViewLayout1/ (Last access 03.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:16571
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmifutb.px/table/tableViewLayout1/ (Last access 03.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Eurostat Database:http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Notes:Less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2) Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4) Tertiary education (levels 5-8) Translated graphics for obesity data by educational level from years - 2010, 2006, 1996-97, and 1980-81 are also available on request.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Eurostat Database:http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Notes:Less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2) Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4) Tertiary education (levels 5-8) Translated graphics for obesity data by educational level from years - 2010, 2006, 1996-97, and 1980-81 are also available on request.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2006

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:56889
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2006 Wadman C, Bostrom G, Karlsson AS. Health on Equal Terms. Results from the 2006 Swedish National Public Health Survey. Swedish National Institute of Public Health 2008.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2006

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:56889
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2006 Wadman C, Bostrom G, Karlsson AS. Health on Equal Terms. Results from the 2006 Swedish National Public Health Survey. Swedish National Institute of Public Health 2008.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 1996-1997

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:3455
Area covered:National
References:Lissner L, Johansson SE, Qvist J, Rössner S, Wolk A. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24(6):801-5
Notes:Education (used as a proxy for socioeconomic status in this study). Respondents were classified into one of three groups: Low = primary school level, ≤9 years of education; Middle = completed ≥2 years of high school, 10-11 years of education; and High = completed 3 years of high school or university studies, >11 years of education.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 1996-1997

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:3455
Area covered:National
References:Lissner L, Johansson SE, Qvist J, Rössner S, Wolk A. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24(6):801-5
Notes:Education (used as a proxy for socioeconomic status in this study). Respondents were classified into one of three groups: Low = primary school level, ≤9 years of education; Middle = completed ≥2 years of high school, 10-11 years of education; and High = completed 3 years of high school or university studies, >11 years of education.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 1980-1981

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:4893
Area covered:National
References:Lissner L, Johansson SE, Qvist J, Rössner S, Wolk A. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24(6):801-5
Notes:Education (used as a proxy for socioeconomic status in this study). Respondents were classified into one of three groups: Low = primary school level, ≤9 years of education; Middle = completed ≥2 years of high school, 10-11 years of education; and High = completed 3 years of high school or university studies, >11 years of education.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 1980-1981

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:4893
Area covered:National
References:Lissner L, Johansson SE, Qvist J, Rössner S, Wolk A. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24(6):801-5
Notes:Education (used as a proxy for socioeconomic status in this study). Respondents were classified into one of three groups: Low = primary school level, ≤9 years of education; Middle = completed ≥2 years of high school, 10-11 years of education; and High = completed 3 years of high school or university studies, >11 years of education.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 1980-1981

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:3675
Area covered:National
References:Lissner L, Johansson SE, Qvist J, Rössner S, Wolk A. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24(6):801-5
Notes:Education (used as a proxy for socioeconomic status in this study). Respondents were classified into one of three groups: Low = primary school level, ≤9 years of education; Middle = completed ≥2 years of high school, 10-11 years of education; and High = completed 3 years of high school or university studies, >11 years of education.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 1980-1981

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:3675
Area covered:National
References:Lissner L, Johansson SE, Qvist J, Rössner S, Wolk A. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24(6):801-5
Notes:Education (used as a proxy for socioeconomic status in this study). Respondents were classified into one of three groups: Low = primary school level, ≤9 years of education; Middle = completed ≥2 years of high school, 10-11 years of education; and High = completed 3 years of high school or university studies, >11 years of education.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Boys, 2010

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1062
Area covered:Regional - West Sweden
References:Moraeus, L.et al (2014) 'Stable prevalence of obesity in Swedish schoolchildren from 2008 to 2013 but widening socio-economic gap in girls', ACTA Paediatrica, 103, pp. 1277–1284
Notes:Prevalence of overweight and obesity according to area education level (proxy for socioeconomic position) in 2008, 2010 and 2013. IOTF Cut-offs used

Girls, 2010

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1062
Area covered:Regional - West Sweden
References:Moraeus, L.et al (2014) 'Stable prevalence of obesity in Swedish schoolchildren from 2008 to 2013 but widening socio-economic gap in girls', ACTA Paediatrica, 103, pp. 1277–1284
Notes:Prevalence of overweight and obesity according to area education level (proxy for socioeconomic position) in 2008, 2010 and 2013. IOTF Cut-offs used

Children, 2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:4538
Area covered:National
References:Sjöberg, A., Moraeus, L., Yngve, A., Poortvliet, E., Al-Ansari, U. and Lissner, L. (2011), Overweight and obesity in a representative sample of schoolchildren – exploring the urban–rural gradient in Sweden. Obesity Reviews, 12: 305–314. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00838.x

Overweight/obesity by age

Adults, 2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:16571
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmiaald.px/ (last access 03.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2013

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:9552
Area covered:National
Notes:Measured (unconfirmed awaiting translation) Translated graphics for obesity data by age category from years - 1996-97, 1988-89 and 1980-81 are also available on request.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1996-1997

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:Male = 5596Female = 5821
Area covered:National
References:L Lissner, S-E Johansson, J Qvist2, S Rössner and A Wolk. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden; http://www.nature.com/ijo/journal/v24/n6/pdf/0801237a.pdf (last accessed 30 Sept 2015)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1988-1989

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:Male = 6081Female = 6310
Area covered:National
References:L Lissner, S-E Johansson, J Qvist2, S Rössner and A Wolk. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden; http://www.nature.com/ijo/journal/v24/n6/pdf/0801237a.pdf (last accessed 30 Sept 2015)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1980-1981

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:7055 Male and 7421 Female
Area covered:National
References:L Lissner, S-E Johansson, J Qvist, S Rössner and A Wolk. Social mapping of the obesity epidemic in Sweden; http://www.nature.com/ijo/journal/v24/n6/pdf/0801237a.pdf (last accessed 30 Sept 2015)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Children, 2021-2022

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:See Report
References:Rakić JG, Hamrik Z, Dzielska A, Felder-Puig R, Oja L, Bakalár P et al. A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 4. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2024. 'Any translation was not created by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original English edition shall be the binding and authentic edition'
Notes:HBSC aims to survey approximately 1500 pupils per age group in each country or region (totaling around 4500)

Children, 2018-2020

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:56869
Area covered:National
References:Report on the fifth round of data collection, 2018–2020: WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI). Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2022. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Cutoffs:WHO 2007

Children, 2015-2017

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:5836
Area covered:National
References:WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) Report on the fourth round of data collection, 2015–2017 (2021). Available at: https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/disease-prevention/nutrition/activities/who-european-childhood-obesity-surveillance-initiative-cosi/cosi-publications/who-european-childhood-obesity-surveillance-initiative-cosi-report-on-the-fourth-round-of-data-collection,-20152017-2021. Accessed 19.05.21.

Children, 2002

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:527
Area covered:Regional (local) - Uppsala County
References:Holmbäck U, Frideman J, Gustafsson J et al. Overweight more prevalent among children than among adolescents. Acta Paediatrica 2006; 96: p577-581
Notes:Translated graphics available on request for childhood obesity data by age category from 2001 and 1982.

Children, 2001

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1732
Area covered:National
References:Ekblom, Örjan B, Oddsson, Kristjan and Ekblom, Bjӧrn T (2004) ' Prevalence and regional differences in overweight in 2001 and trends in BMI distribution in children from 1987 to 2001' Scandinavian Journal of Public Health; 32:4, 257-263

Children, 1982

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:540
Area covered:Regional (local) - Uppsala County
References:Holmbäck U, Frideman J, Gustafsson J et al. Overweight more prevalent among children than among adolescents. Acta Paediatrica 2006; 96: p577-581

Overweight/obesity by region

Men, 2018

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:40,000
Area covered:National
References:Folkhälsomyndigheten. (2018) Municipality Fact Sheet. Available from: https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/kommunfakta/ (Accessed 6 March 2019).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2018

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:40,000
Area covered:National
References:Folkhälsomyndigheten. (2018) Municipality Fact Sheet. Available from: https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/kommunfakta/ (Accessed 6 March 2019).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2017-2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:32860
Area covered:National
References:National Public Health Survey 2017-2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmixreg.px/ (last accessed 09.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2017-2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:32860
Area covered:National
References:National Public Health Survey 2017-2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmixreg.px/ (last accessed 09.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2006

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:56889
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2006. Wadman C, Bostrom G, Karlsson AS. Health on Equal Terms. Results from the 2006 Swedish National Public Health Survey. Swedish National Institute of Public Health 2008.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2006

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:56889
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2006. Wadman C, Bostrom G, Karlsson AS. Health on Equal Terms. Results from the 2006 Swedish National Public Health Survey. Swedish National Institute of Public Health 2008.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Children, 2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:4538
Area covered:National
References:Sjöberg, A., Moraeus, L., Yngve, A., Poortvliet, E., Al-Ansari, U. and Lissner, L. (2011), Overweight and obesity in a representative sample of schoolchildren – exploring the urban–rural gradient in Sweden. Obesity Reviews, 12: 305–314. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00838.x

Children, 2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:4538
Area covered:National
References:Sjöberg, A., Moraeus, L., Yngve, A., Poortvliet, E., Al-Ansari, U. and Lissner, L. (2011), Overweight and obesity in a representative sample of schoolchildren – exploring the urban–rural gradient in Sweden. Obesity Reviews, 12: 305–314. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00838.x

Boys, 2000-2001

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:11825
Area covered:Regional
References:1) Marlid S, Bonderstam M, Bergstrom R, Ehnberg S, Hollsing A, Albertsson-Wikland K. Prevalence trends of obesity and overweight among 10 year old children in western Sweden and relationship with parental body mass index. Acta Paediatr 2004;93:1588-1595. 2)Neovius M, Janson A, Rossner S. Prevalence of Obesity in Sweden. Obesity Reviews 2006;7:1-7

Girls, 2000-2001

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:11825
Area covered:Regional
References:1) Marlid S, Bonderstam M, Bergstrom R, Ehnberg S, Hollsing A, Albertsson-Wikland K. Prevalence trends of obesity and overweight among 10 year old children in western Sweden and relationship with parental body mass index. Acta Paediatr 2004;93:1588-1595. 2)Neovius M, Janson A, Rossner S. Prevalence of Obesity in Sweden. Obesity Reviews 2006;7:1-7

Overweight/obesity by age and region

Men, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Urbanisation - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1u&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Urbanisation - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1u&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Overweight/obesity by age and socio-economic group

Adults, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21).
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Socio economic - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Socio economic - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Socio economic - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Overweight/obesity by socio-economic group

Men, 2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:16571
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmibeko.px/table/tableViewLayout1/ (last accessed 03.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2020

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:16571
Area covered:National
References:Swedish National Public Health Survey 2020. Available at http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/pxweb/sv/B_HLV/B_HLV__bFyshals__bbeFyshalsvikt/hlv1bmibeko.px/table/tableViewLayout1/ (last accessed 03.03.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Socio economic - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Notes:1st Quintile (lowest income), 5th Quintile (highest income) Please note where data = zero, there were insufficient data.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:2014 Socio economic - http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Notes:1st Quintile (lowest income), 5th Quintile (highest income) Please note where data = zero, there were insufficient data.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Boys, 2021-2022

Survey type:Self-reported
References:Raki? JG, Hamrik Z, Dzielska A, Felder-Puig R, Oja L, Bakalár P et al. A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 4. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2024. 'Any translation was not created by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original English edition shall be the binding and authentic edition'
Notes:Family affluence scaleHBSC aims to survey approximately 1500 pupils per age group in each country or region (totaling around 4500)

Girls, 2021-2022

Survey type:Self-reported
References:Raki? JG, Hamrik Z, Dzielska A, Felder-Puig R, Oja L, Bakalár P et al. A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 4. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2024. 'Any translation was not created by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original English edition shall be the binding and authentic edition'
Notes:Family affluence scaleHBSC aims to survey approximately 1500 pupils per age group in each country or region (totaling around 4500)

Boys, 2017-2018

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:4162
Area covered:National
References:World Health Organization (2020). Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being - Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. Available at: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/332091/9789289055000-eng.pdf. Last accessed: 25.05.21.
Notes:HBSC Family Affluence Scale (FAS) - "HBSC uses an alternative measure, the Family Affluence Scale, which asks young people about material assets such as family cars, number of foreign holidays, computers, bathrooms and dishwashers in the household, holidays and having a bedroom to oneself. The scale, which enables users to add up how many of these assets a young person has in their home compared with other adolescents in their country/region, has been shown to provide a valid indicator of relative affluence."
Definitions:HBSC Family Affluence Scale (FAS)

Girls, 2017-2018

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:4162
Area covered:National
References:World Health Organization (2020). Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being - Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada. Available at: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/332091/9789289055000-eng.pdf. Last accessed: 25.05.21.
Notes:HBSC Family Affluence Scale (FAS) - "HBSC uses an alternative measure, the Family Affluence Scale, which asks young people about material assets such as family cars, number of foreign holidays, computers, bathrooms and dishwashers in the household, holidays and having a bedroom to oneself. The scale, which enables users to add up how many of these assets a young person has in their home compared with other adolescents in their country/region, has been shown to provide a valid indicator of relative affluence."
Definitions:HBSC Family Affluence Scale (FAS)

Children, 2007-2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1824
Area covered:National
References:Ahrens W, Pigeot I, Pohlablen H et al. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in European children below the age of 10. International Journal of Obesity (2014) 38, S99-S107; doi10.1038/ijo.2014.140
Notes:Income Translated graphics also available on request for data by socioeconomic status from 1999.

Boys, 2003

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2416
Area covered:Regional (Schools in Stockholm County - Schools selected from 8 different SES areas)
References:Sundblom E, Petzold M, Rasmussen F et al. Childhood overweight and obesity prevalences levelling off in Skockholm but socioeconomic differences persist. International Journal of Obesity (2008); 32: 1525-1530

Girls, 2003

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2416
Area covered:Regional (Schools in Stockholm County - Schools selected from 8 different SES areas)
References:Sundblom E, Petzold M, Rasmussen F et al. Childhood overweight and obesity prevalences levelling off in Skockholm but socioeconomic differences persist. International Journal of Obesity (2008); 32: 1525-1530

Boys, 1999

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2416
Area covered:Regional (Schools in Stockholm County - Schools selected from 8 different SES areas)
References:Sundblom E, Petzold M, Rasmussen F et al. Childhood overweight and obesity prevalences levelling off in Skockholm but socioeconomic differences persist. International Journal of Obesity (2008); 32: 1525-1530
Notes:Comparison data for 2003 available

Girls, 1999

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2416
Area covered:Regional (Schools in Stockholm County - Schools selected from 8 different SES areas)
References:Sundblom E, Petzold M, Rasmussen F et al. Childhood overweight and obesity prevalences levelling off in Skockholm but socioeconomic differences persist. International Journal of Obesity (2008); 32: 1525-1530
Notes:Comparison data for 2003 available

Overweight/obesity by age and limited activity

Adults, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2014 available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/submitViewTableAction.do (last accessed 06.10.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Men, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2014 available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/submitViewTableAction.do (last accessed 06.10.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2014 available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/submitViewTableAction.do (last accessed 06.10.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Insufficient physical activity

Adults, 2022

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:WHO (2024). Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18-years age-standardized estimate in 2022. Available at https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/prevalence-of-insufficient-physical-activity-among-adults-aged-18-years-(age-standardized-estimate)-(-)
Definitions:Percent of population attaining less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or less than 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or equivalent.

Men, 2022

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:WHO (2024). Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18-years age-standardized estimate in 2022. Available at https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/prevalence-of-insufficient-physical-activity-among-adults-aged-18-years-(age-standardized-estimate)-(-)
Definitions:Percent of population attaining less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or less than 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or equivalent.

Women, 2022

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:WHO (2024). Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18-years age-standardized estimate in 2022. Available at https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/prevalence-of-insufficient-physical-activity-among-adults-aged-18-years-(age-standardized-estimate)-(-)
Definitions:Percent of population attaining less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or less than 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or equivalent.

Adults, 2016

References:Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. Lancet 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30357-7

Men, 2016

References:Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. Lancet 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30357-7

Women, 2016

References:Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. Lancet 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30357-7

Children, 2016

Survey type:Self-reported
References:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893ADO?lang=en (last accessed 16.03.21)
Notes:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definitions:% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Boys, 2016

Survey type:Self-reported
References:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893ADO?lang=en (last accessed 16.03.21)
Notes:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definitions:% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Girls, 2016

Survey type:Self-reported
References:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893ADO?lang=en (last accessed 16.03.21)
Notes:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definitions:% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Children, 2010

References:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893?lang=en
Notes:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definitions:% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Boys, 2010

References:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893?lang=en
Notes:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definitions:% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Girls, 2010

References:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893?lang=en
Notes:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definitions:% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Sugar consumption

Adults, 2016

References:Source: Euromonitor International
Definitions:Sugar consumption (Number of 500g sugar portions/person/month)