• Deskrizzjoni Ġenerali
  • Prevalenza tal-obeżità
  • Contextual factors
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Prevalenza tal-obeżità

Adulti, 2016-2017

Tip ta' stħarriġ:Imkejjel
Id-daqs tal-kampjun:2807
Erja Koperta:Nazzjonali
Referenzi:Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey III (2016-2017) https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fcaribbeaninstituteofnephrology.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F04%2FJHLS-III-NCD-Metabolic-Risk-Factors-and-CVC-Renal-Conference-2019-01-18Final1-1.pptx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK (last accessed 04.05.2022)
Sakemm ma jiġix indikat mod ieħor, il-piż żejjed jirreferi għal BMI bejn 25kg u 29.9kg/m², l-obeżità tirreferi għal BMI akbar minn 30kg/m².

Adulti, 2007-2008

Tip ta' stħarriġ:Imkejjel
Id-daqs tal-kampjun:2848
Erja Koperta:Nazzjonali
Referenzi:Jamaican Health & Lifestyle Survey 2008
Sakemm ma jiġix indikat mod ieħor, il-piż żejjed jirreferi għal BMI bejn 25kg u 29.9kg/m², l-obeżità tirreferi għal BMI akbar minn 30kg/m².

Adulti, 1999

Tip ta' stħarriġ:Imkejjel
Id-daqs tal-kampjun:1935
Erja Koperta:Nazzjonali
Referenzi:Ichinohe M, Mita R, Saito K, Shinkawa H, Nakaji S, Coombs M, Carney A, Wright B and Fulla EL. (2005). The prevalence of obesity and its relationship with lifestyle factors in Jamaica. Tohoku Journal of Exp Medicine, 207: 21 - 32.
Sakemm ma jiġix indikat mod ieħor, il-piż żejjed jirreferi għal BMI bejn 25kg u 29.9kg/m², l-obeżità tirreferi għal BMI akbar minn 30kg/m².

Tfal, 2018

Tip ta' stħarriġ:Imkejjel
Id-daqs tal-kampjun:446
Erja Koperta:Reġjonali
Referenzi:Kirin Rambaran, Surujpal Teelucksingh, Sesh Gowrie Sankar, Michael Boyne, Godfrey Xuereb, Ambra Giorgetti & Michael B. Zimmermann (2020) High prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in ten Caribbean countries: 2018 cross-sectional data and a narrative review of trends in Trinidad and Tobago, Child and Adolescent Obesity, DOI: 10.1080/2574254X.2020.1847632
Noti:Not nationally representative but a cluster sampling strategy was used to obtain data across the varying geographical and socioeconomic areas of the country. Students with a history of major medical illnesses (such as malignancy, diabetes mellitus, asthma, thyroid disease, haemoglobinopathies, or congenital genetic disorders), or those taking chronic medications for such diseases were excluded from the study. Note that this study has a small sample size.

Tfal, 2017

Tip ta' stħarriġ:Irrappurtat mill-persuna nnifisha
Id-daqs tal-kampjun:1667
Erja Koperta:Nazzjonali
Referenzi:Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS), available at https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/gshs/Jamaica_2017_GSHS_FS.pdf?ua=1&ua=1 (last accessed 25.11.20)

Tfal, 2010

Tip ta' stħarriġ:Irrappurtat mill-persuna nnifisha
Id-daqs tal-kampjun:1623
Erja Koperta:Nazzjonali
Referenzi:Global School-based Student Health Survey, Fact Sheet available at https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/gshs/2010_GSHS_FS_Jamaica.pdf?ua=1 (last accessed 25.11.20)


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