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Obesity prevalence

Adults, 2019

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:4501
Area covered:National
References:STEPS Bolivia 2019 - Fact Sheet Available at: https://extranet.who.int/ncdsmicrodata/index.php/catalog/933/download/6579 (last accessed 13-2-23)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2016

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:11814
Area covered:National
References:Demographic and Health Survey 2016.https://www.minsalud.gob.bo/images/Documentacion/EDSA-2016.pdf (Accessed 17.06.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:15325
Area covered:National
References:Coa, Ramiro, and Luis H. Ochoa. 2009. Bolivia Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud - ENDSA - 2008. Calverton, Maryland: Ministerio de Salud y Deportes and Macro International.
Notes:Demographic Health Survey data includes ever married women aged 15-49 years only and may include males aged 15-59.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 2003

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:12723
Area covered:National
References:Pérez-Cueto FJA, Bayá Botti A and Verbeke W. (2009). Prevalence of overweight in Bolivia: data on women and adolescents. Obesity Review, 12: 1 - 5.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Women, 1994

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2347
References:Filozof C, Gonzales C, Sereday M, Mazza C, Braguinsky J. Obesity prevalence and trends in Latin American countries. Obesity Reviews, 2001;2:99-196
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Children, 2016

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:5104
Area covered:National
References:Demographic and Health Survey 2016.https://www.minsalud.gob.bo/images/Documentacion/EDSA-2016.pdf (Accessed 17.06.21)
Definitions:Weight for Height. Overweight or obesity = >2SD

Children, 2012

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:3696
Area covered:National
References:Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS), available at https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/gshs/2012_GSHS_Bolivia_FS.pdf?ua=1 (last accessed 25.11.20)

Girls, 2008

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2731
Area covered:National
References:Benedict, Rukundo K., Allison Schmale, and Sorrel Namaste. 2018. Adolescent Nutrition 2000-2017: DHS Data on Adolescents Age 15-19. DHS Comparative Report No. 47. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF. Coa, Ramiro, and Luis H. Ochoa. 2009. Bolivia Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud - ENDSA - 2008. Calverton, Maryland: Ministerio de Salud y Deportes and Macro International.
Definitions:BMI for age: between +1 SD and +2 SD is overweight and greater than +2 SD is obesity

Children, 2003

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:525
Area covered:Regional
References:Perez-Cueto A, Almanza M, Kolsteren PW. (2005). Female gender and wealth are associated to overweight among adolescents in La Paz, Bolivia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59:82-87
Notes:IOTF Cut off. Reference: Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: International survey. BMJ. 2000 May 6;320(7244):1240-3.


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