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  • Obesity prevalence
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Obesity prevalence

Adults, 2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat 2019. Data available at https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1i&lang=en (last accessed 09.08.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2018-2019

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:15461
Area covered:National
References:Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK), and Statistik Austria. “Öterreichische Gesundheitsbefragung 2019.” , 2020. Available at: https://www.sozialministerium.at/Themen/Gesundheit/Gesundheitssystem/Gesundheitsberichte/%C3%96sterreichische-Gesundheitsbefragung-2014-(ATHIS).html. (Last Accessed: 06.04.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2017

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2127
Area covered:National
References:Der Universität Wien. Austrian Nutrition report 2017. [Österreichischer Ernährungsbericht 2017]. Available from: https://broschuerenservice.sozialministerium.at/Home/Download?publicationId=528 (last accessed 30.09.20)
Notes:NB. Combined adult data estimated. These estimates were calculated by weighting male and female survey results. Weighting based on World Bank Population % total female 2019 (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS - accessed 30.09.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2017

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:EUROSTAT Database http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=ilc_hch10&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2014

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat Database:http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=hlth_ehis_bm1e&lang=en (last accessed 25.08.20)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2005-2006

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1054
Area covered:National *
References:Schwarz B. Abdominal obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors in Austria. RdM O&G 2007; 3: 65- 96
Notes:* It should be made clear though that the author of the above survey noted that although the survey population was well balanced and fairly representative, as they were based in a primary care setting, selection bias towards higher morbidity risk could exist. In contrast though volunteers to health screening programs may lead to a selection bias the other way. The author could not determine which effect dominated.
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2001

Survey type:Self-reported
Area covered:National
References:Eurostat Yearbook 2006/07. A goldmine of statistical information. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/5059290/1-20022007-BP-EN.PDF.pdf/edab8c31-b9f3-4c8e-b4db-4137bd045efa?t=1414683510000 (last accessed 04.11.21)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1991

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1446
References:Ulmer H, Diem G, Bischof HP, Ruttmann E, Concin H. Recent trends and sociodemographic distribution of cardiovascular risk factors: Results from two population surveys in the Austrian WHO CINDI demonstration area. Wiener Klinsche Wochenschrift 2001;113:573-579
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 1986

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:1347
References:WHO Infobase (accessed 2008), Countrywide Integrated Noncommunicable Diseases Intervention (CINDI) programme
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Children, 2018-2020

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:1526
Area covered:National
References:Report on the fifth round of data collection, 2018–2020: WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI). Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2022. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Cutoffs:WHO 2007

Children, 2017

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:2510
Area covered:National
References:MINISTERIUM FRAUEN GESUNDHEIT. (2017). Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) Bericht Österreich 2017. Available: https://www.bmgf.gv.at/cms/home/attachments/8/3/3/CH1048/CMS1509621215790/cosi_2017_20171019.pdf. Last accessed 20th September 2018.
Notes:World Obesity estimate based on weighted data from https://www.bmgf.gv.at/cms/home/attachments/8/3/3/CH1048/CMS1509621215790/cosi_2017_20171019.pdf. survey. Note: 92% of the children in this sample were aged 8-9; aged 7 n=3, aged 8 n=1218, aged 9 n=1107, aged 10 n=180, aged 11 n=14, aged 12 n=1. NB. Combined child data estimated. These estimates were calculated by weighting male and female survey results. Weighting based on World Bank Population % total female 2019 (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS - accessed 21.10.20)'
Definitions:IOTF cut-offs used, WHO cut-offs also available in document.

Children, 2009-2011

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:14544
References:Mayer M, Gleiss A, Hausler G et al. Weight and body mass index (BMI): current data for Austrian boys and girls aged 4 to under 19 years. Annals of Human Biology. Early online 1-11 2014.


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