• Áttekintés
  • Az elhízás előfordulása
  • A népesség bontása
  • Befolyásoló tényezők
  • Komorbiditások
  • Gazdasági hatás
  • Szabályzatok (csak angol nyelven érhetők el)
  • Contextual factors
Az adatok betöltése folyamatban van, türelmét kérjük

Az elhízás előfordulása

Felnőttek, 2011

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Minta nagysága:2700
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Trinidad and Tobago PANAM STEPS CNCD Risk Factor Survey- Final Report, available at https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/steps/trinidad_and_tobago/en/ (last accessed 21.10.20)
Hacsak másként nem jelezzük, a túlsúly 25 kg és 29,9 kg/m² közötti BMI-re, az elhízás 30 kg/m²-nél nagyobb BMI-re utal..

Felnőttek, 1999

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Minta nagysága:803
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Physical Activity Study unpublished CFNI. FAO Country Profile. ftp://ftp.fao.org/es/esn/nutrition/ncp/trimap.pdf
Hacsak másként nem jelezzük, a túlsúly 25 kg és 29,9 kg/m² közötti BMI-re, az elhízás 30 kg/m²-nél nagyobb BMI-re utal..

Gyermekek, 2017

Felmérés típusa:Önbevallás
Minta nagysága:3869
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS), available at https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/gshs/Trinidad_and_Tobago_2017_GSHS_FS.pdf?ua=1 (last accessed 20.11.20)
Jegyzetek:WHO cutoffs.

Gyermekek, 2011

Felmérés típusa:Önbevallás
Minta nagysága:2811
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Global School-based Student Health Survey, Fact Sheet available at https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/gshs/2011_factsheet_trinidad_and_tobago.pdf?ua=1 (last accessed 25.11.20)

Gyermekek, 2009

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Minta nagysága:1861
Referenciák:Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute; Pan American Health Organization (Kingston, CFNI, 2009)
Jegyzetek:Cut Offs Unclear

Gyermekek, 2009-2010

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Minta nagysága:2130
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Yvonne Ann Batson, Surujpal Teelucksingh, Rohan G. Maharaj & Brian N. Cockburn (2014) A cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of obesity and other risk factors for type 2 diabetes among school children in Trinidad, West Indies, Paediatrics and International Child Health, 34:3, 178-183, DOI: 10.1179/2046905514Y.0000000116

Gyermekek, 1999

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Minta nagysága:5417
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Guilford MC, Mahabir D, Rocke B, Chinn S and Rona R. (2001). Overweight, obesity and skinfold thicknesses of children of African or Indian descent in Trinidad and Tobago. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30: 989 - 998.
Jegyzetek:IOTF Cut off. Reference: Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: International survey. BMJ. 2000 May 6;320(7244):1240-3.

Infants, 2011

Minta nagysága:1061
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011, Key Findings & Tables. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Social Development and Familyvices, Central Statistical Office and UNICEF. 2017
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Infants, 2000

Minta nagysága:767
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000. New York, United States: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Infants, 1987

Minta nagysága:841
Referenciák:DHS: Trinidad and Tobago demographic and health survey 1987. Demographic and Health Surveys. Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 1988
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Túlsúly/elhízás iskolai végzettség szerint

Infants, 2011

Minta nagysága:1061
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011, Key Findings & Tables. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Social Development and Familyvices, Central Statistical Office and UNICEF. 2017
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Infants, 2000

Minta nagysága:767
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000. New York, United States: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Infants, 1987

Minta nagysága:841
Referenciák:DHS: Trinidad and Tobago demographic and health survey 1987. Demographic and Health Surveys. Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 1988
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Túlsúly/elhízás életkor szerint

Felnőttek, 2011

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Minta nagysága:2700 (1104 Men, 1596 Women)
Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Trinidad and Tobago PANAM STEPS CNCD Risk Factor Survey- Final Report
Hacsak másként nem jelezzük, a túlsúly 25 kg és 29,9 kg/m² közötti BMI-re, az elhízás 30 kg/m²-nél nagyobb BMI-re utal..

Túlsúly/elhízás régió szerint

Infants, 2011

Minta nagysága:1061
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011, Key Findings & Tables. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Social Development and Familyvices, Central Statistical Office and UNICEF. 2017
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Infants, 1987

Minta nagysága:841
Referenciák:DHS: Trinidad and Tobago demographic and health survey 1987. Demographic and Health Surveys. Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 1988
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Túlsúly/elhízás társadalmi-gazdasági csoport szerint

Infants, 2011

Minta nagysága:1061
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011, Key Findings & Tables. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Social Development and Familyvices, Central Statistical Office and UNICEF. 2017
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Infants, 2000

Minta nagysága:767
Referenciák:MICS: Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000. New York, United States: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Jegyzetek:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):=>+2SD

Elégtelen fizikai aktivitás

Felnőttek, 2016

Referenciák:Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. Lancet 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30357-7

Férfiak, 2016

Referenciák:Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. Lancet 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30357-7

Nők, 2016

Referenciák:Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. Lancet 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30357-7

Gyermekek, 2016

Felmérés típusa:Önbevallás
Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893ADO?lang=en (last accessed 16.03.21)
Jegyzetek:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Fiúk, 2016

Felmérés típusa:Önbevallás
Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893ADO?lang=en (last accessed 16.03.21)
Jegyzetek:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Lányok, 2016

Felmérés típusa:Önbevallás
Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893ADO?lang=en (last accessed 16.03.21)
Jegyzetek:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Gyermekek, 2010

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893?lang=en
Jegyzetek:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Fiúk, 2010

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893?lang=en
Jegyzetek:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Lányok, 2010

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A893?lang=en
Jegyzetek:% of school going adolescents not meeting WHO recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, i.e. doing less than 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Adolescents insufficiently active (age standardised estimate)

Szénsavas üdítőital fogyasztásának átlagos napi gyakorisága

Gyermekek, 2009-2015

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Referenciák:Beal et al. (2019). Global Patterns of Adolescent Fruit, Vegetable, Carbonated Soft Drink, and Fast-food consumption: A meta-analysis of global school-based student health surveys. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0379572119848287 sourced from Food Systems Dashboard http://www.foodsystemsdashboard.org/food-system

Estimated per capita fruit intake

Felnőttek, 2017

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Referenciák:Global Burden of Disease, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation http://ghdx.healthdata.org/
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Estimated per-capita fruit intake (g/day)

A napi egynél ritkábban történő gyümölcsfogyasztás előfordulása

Gyermekek, 2009-2015

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Referenciák:Global School-based Student Health Surveys. Beal et al (2019). Global Patterns of Adolescent Fruit, Vegetable, Carbonated Soft Drink, and Fast-food consumption: A meta-analysis of global school-based student health surveys. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0379572119848287. Sourced from Food Systems Dashboard http://www.foodsystemsdashboard.org/food-system
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Prevalence of less-than-daily fruit consumption (% less-than-daily fruit consumption)

A napi egynél ritkábban történő zöldségfogyasztás előfordulása

Gyermekek, 2009-2015

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Referenciák:Beal et al. (2019). Global Patterns of Adolescent Fruit, Vegetable, Carbonated Soft Drink, and Fast-food consumption: A meta-analysis of global school-based student health surveys. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0379572119848287 sourced from Food Systems Dashboard http://www.foodsystemsdashboard.org/food-system
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Prevalence of less-than-daily vegetable consumption (% less-than-daily vegetable consumption)

Gyorséttermi fogyasztás átlagos heti gyakorisága

Gyermekek, 2009-2015

Referenciák:Beal et al. (2019). Global Patterns of Adolescent Fruit, Vegetable, Carbonated Soft Drink, and Fast-food consumption: A meta-analysis of global school-based student health surveys. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0379572119848287 sourced from Food Systems Dashboard http://www.foodsystemsdashboard.org/food-system

Becsült egy főre jutó feldolgozotthús-fogyasztás

Felnőttek, 2017

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Referenciák:Global Burden of Disease, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation http://ghdx.healthdata.org/
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Estimated per-capita processed meat intake (g per day)

Estimated per capita whole grains intake

Felnőttek, 2017

Felmérés típusa:Mért
Referenciák:Global Burden of Disease, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation http://ghdx.healthdata.org/
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Estimated per-capita whole grains intake (g/day)

Mentális egészség – depressziós zavarok

Felnőttek, 2015

Referenciák:Prevalence data from Global Burden of Disease study 2015 (http://ghdx.healthdata.org) published in: Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates. Geneva:World Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% of population with depression disorders

Mentális egészség – szorongásos zavarok

Felnőttek, 2015

Referenciák:Prevalence data from Global Burden of Disease study 2015 (http://ghdx.healthdata.org) published in: Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates. Geneva:World Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% of population with anxiety disorders

0–5 hónapos kor között kizárólag szoptatással táplált csecsemők százalékos aránya

Gyermekek, 1998-2019

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011, Key Findings & Tables. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Social Development and Familyvices, Central Statistical Office and UNICEF. 2017
Jegyzetek:See UNICEF website for further survey information. Available at : https://data.unicef.org/resources/dataset/infant-young-child-feeding/ (last accessed 28.9.21) Citation: United Nations Children’s Fund, Division of Data, Analysis, Planning and Monitoring (2021). Global UNICEF Global Databases: Infant and Young Child Feeding: Exclusive breastfeeding, New York, September 2021.
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% exclusively breastfed 0-5 months


Férfiak, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000

Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000


Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000


Férfiak, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000

Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000


Férfiak, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000

Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000


Férfiak, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000

Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000


Férfiak, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000

Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000


Nők, 2020

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2020). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://gco.iarc.fr/today, accessed 10.01.2357
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-standardized indicence rates per 100 000

Magas vérnyomás

Felnőttek, 2015

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A875?lang=en
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age Standardised estimated % Raised blood pressure 2015 (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90).

Férfiak, 2015

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A875?lang=en
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age Standardised estimated % Raised blood pressure 2015 (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90).

Nők, 2015

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A875?lang=en
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age Standardised estimated % Raised blood pressure 2015 (SBP>=140 OR DBP>=90).

Magas koleszterinszint

Felnőttek, 2008

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A885
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Raised total cholesterol (>= 5.0 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate).

Férfiak, 2008

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A885
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Raised total cholesterol (>= 5.0 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate).

Nők, 2008

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A885
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):% Raised total cholesterol (>= 5.0 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate).

Magas éhomi vércukorszint

Férfiak, 2014

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A869?lang=en
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age Standardised % raised fasting blood glucose (>= 7.0 mmol/L or on medication).

Nők, 2014

Referenciák:Global Health Observatory data repository, World Health Organisation, http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.A869?lang=en
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age Standardised % raised fasting blood glucose (>= 7.0 mmol/L or on medication).

Cukorbetegség előfordulási aránya

Felnőttek, 2021

Érintett terület:Országos
Referenciák:Reproduced with kind permission International Diabetes Federation.  IDF Diabetes Atlas, 10th edn. Brussels, Belgium:International Diabetes Federation, 2021. http://www.diabetesatlas.org
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of diabetes, %

Felnőttek, 2019

Referenciák:Reproduced with kind permission International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 9th edn. Brussels,Belgium: 2019. Available at: https://www.diabetesatlas.org
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Diabetes age-adjusted comparative prevalence (%).

Felnőttek, 2017

Referenciák:Reproduced with kind permission of IDF, International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8th edition. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2017. http://www.diabetesatlas.org
Definíciók (csak angol nyelven érhetők el):Diabetes age-adjusted comparative prevalence (%).

Economic impact of overweight and obesity

Country comparisons

You can choose to compare this country’s data with the data for up to four other countries.

Policies, Interventions and Actions

National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases: Trinidad and Tobago 2017 - 2021

The National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases (NSP NCD) outlines the strategic direction for the response to Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Trinidad and Tobago (TTO), and the strategic outcomes that partners from government, private sector, and civil society will be engaged to collaborate towards their achievement over the period 2017-2021.

Categories:Evidence of NCD strategy
Target age group:Felnőttek és gyermekek
Organisation:The Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago
Linked document:Download linked document

NCD Country Profiles 2018 (Obesity Targets)

The profiles also provide data on the key metabolic risk factors, namely raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose and obesity and National Targets on Obesity (as of 2017)

Categories:Evidence of Obesity Target
Year(s):2017 (ongoing)
Target age group:Felnőttek és gyermekek
Organisation:World Health Organisation
References:Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2018. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

National School Health Policy

Trinidad & Tobago: National Nutrition Standards for Foods Offered to Children in Schools. National School Health Policy (2015)

Categories:Evidence of Nutritional or Health Strategy/ Guidelines/Policy/Action plan
Year(s):2015 (ongoing)
Target age group:Gyermekek
Organisation:Ministry of Health
Linked document:Download linked document
References:Details currently unavailable

PSI CORE Youth Movement Program

The 8-week programme, to be repeated at intervals, targets not only improvement in physical fitness, but also in confidence and self-worth, and includes information on healthy nutrition.

Categories:Evidence of Physical Activity Guidelines/Policy
Categories (partial):Evidence of Nutritional or Health Strategy/ Guidelines/Policy/Action plan
Evidence of Community Interventions/Campaign
Year(s):2014 (ongoing)
Target age group:Gyermekek
Linked document:Download linked document

Fight the Fat Campaign

The Fight the Fat campaign is an all-year, wellness programme, which targets the national population from primary-school aged children to mature adults, and aims to increase the level of physical activity in the national population, and empower citizens to achieve a healthy weight

Categories (partial):Evidence of Community Interventions/Campaign
Target age group:Felnőttek és gyermekek
Organisation:Ministry of Health
Find out more:www.health.gov.tt
Linked document:Download linked document
References:Currently a web link to this intervention is unavailable. If you are aware of the location of this document/intervention, please contact us at obesity@worldobesity.org

CARICOM Regional Standard: Specification for labelling of pre-packaged foods (CRS 5: 2010)

Voluntary national labelling guidelines for packaged foods and drinks in place but mandatory when there is a health or nutrition claim. (Available only in English language)

Categories:Labelling Regulation/Guidelines
Year(s):2010 (ongoing)
Target age group:Felnőttek és gyermekek
Organisation:CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality
Linked document:Download linked document
References:Information provided with kind permission of WHO Global database on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA): https://extranet.who.int/nutrition/gina/en/node/25355 (last accessed 10.08.22) Please note the GINA website has been replaced by the GIFNA database and the GINA link will no longer work. You will find this document by searching this new database: https://gifna.who.int/

Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy

Details unavailable

Categories (partial):Evidence of National Obesity Strategy/Policy or Action plan
Target age group:Gyermekek
Organisation:Ministry of Health
Find out more:Link currently unavailable. If you aware of the location of this document please email obesity@worldobesity.org

GNPR 2016-17 (q7) Breastfeeeding promotion and/or counselling

WHO Global Nutrition Policy Review 2016-2017 reported the evidence of breastfeeding promotion and/or counselling (q7)

Categories:Evidence of Breastfeeding promotion or related activity
Target age group:Felnőttek
Organisation:Ministry of Health (information provided by the GINA progam)
Find out more:extranet.who.int
References:Information provided with kind permission of WHO Global database on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA): https://extranet.who.int/nutrition/gina/en Please note the GINA website has been replaced by the GIFNA database and the GINA link will no longer work. You will find this document by searching this new database: https://gifna.who.int/

No actions could be found for the above criteria.

Contextual factors

Disclaimer: These contextual factors should be interpreted with care. Results are updated as regularly as possible and use very specific criteria. The criteria used and full definitions are available for download at the bottom of this page.

Tap on a tick to find out more about policies influencing this factor.


Is there mandatory nutrition labelling?Present-(voluntary)
Front-of-package labelling?Absent
Back-of-pack nutrition declaration?Present
Color coding?Absent
Warning label?Absent

Regulation and marketing

Are there fiscal policies on unhealthy products?Absent
Tax on unhealthy foods?Absent
Tax on unhealthy drinks?Absent
Are there fiscal policies on healthy products?Absent
Subsidy on fruits?Absent
Subsidy on vegetables?Absent
Subsidy on other healthy products?Absent
Mandatory limit or ban of trans fat (all settings)?Absent
Mandatory limit of trans fats in place (all settings)? Absent
Ban on trans-fats or phos in place (all settings)? Absent
Are there any mandatory policies/marketing restrictions on the promotion of unhealthy food/drinks to children?Absent
Mandatory restriction on broadcast media?Absent
Mandatory restriction on non-broadcast media?Absent
Voluntary policies/marketing restrictions on the promotion of unhealthy food/drinks to children?Absent
Are there mandatory standards for food in schools?Present
Are there any mandatory nutrient limits in any manufactured food products?Absent
Nutrition standards for public sector procurement?Absent

Political will and support

National obesity strategy or nutrition and physical activity national strategy?Present
National obesity strategy?Absent
National childhood obesity strategy?Present
Comprehensive nutrition strategy?Unknown
Comprehensive physical activity strategy?Absent
Evidence-based dietary guidelines and/or RDAs?Absent
National target(s) on reducing obesity?Present
Guidelines/policy on obesity treatment?Absent
Promotion of breastfeeding?Present

Monitoring and surveillance

Monitoring of the prevalence and incidence for the main obesity-related NCDs and risk factors?Present
Within 5 years?Absent

Governance and resource

Multi-sectoral national co-ordination mechanism for obesity or nutrition (including obesity)?Absent


Present (voluntary)

Last updated September 13, 2022

See more policies here

Download contextual factors as a PDF Contextual factors definitions


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