• Overview
  • Obesity prevalence
  • Contextual factors
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Obesity prevalence

Adults, 2015

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:401
Area covered:Benghazi
References:Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Libyan Men and Women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6662481/ (last accessed 05.06.2022)
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Adults, 2009

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:3229
Area covered:National
References:WHO STEPS Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Report
Unless otherwise noted, overweight refers to a BMI between 25kg and 29.9kg/m², obesity refers to a BMI greater than 30kg/m².

Children, 2013-2014

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:307
Area covered:Regional
References:Musaiger A.O et al. 2016. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents in eight Arab countries: comparison between two international standards (ARABEAT-2). Nutr Hosp. 33(5). pp. 1062-1065.
Notes:Region: Tripoli, Note: Small sample size, n=307

Children, 2010-2011

Survey type:Measured
Sample size:429
Area covered:Urban
References:Musaiger AO, Al-Mannai M, Tayyem R, Al-Lalla O, Ali EY, Kalam F, Benhamed MM, Saghir S, Halahleh I, Djoudi Z, Chirane M.Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Adolescents in Seven Arab Countries: A Cross-Cultural Study. J Obes. 2012;2012:981390. doi: 10.1155/2012/981390. Epub 2012 Sep 18.

Children, 2007

Survey type:Self-reported
Sample size:2242
Area covered:National
References:Libya - Global School-Based Student Health Survey 2007 https://www.who.int/ncds/surveillance/gshs/libya/en/ (Last accessed 20.10.2020)

Infants, 2014

Sample size:9876
References:PAPFAM: Libya 2014 National Family Health Survey
Notes:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.

Infants, 2007

Sample size:10723
References:PAPFAM: National Libyan family health survey. PAPFAM surveys. Cairo: The league of Arab States, 2008
Notes:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.

Infants, 1995

Sample size:4452
References:PAPFAM: Libyan maternal and child health survey. PAPCHILD Surveys. Cairo: The League of Arab States, 1997
Notes:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/ Percentage of children under 5 years of age falling above 2 standard deviations (moderate and severe) from the median weight-for-height of the reference population.


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