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Nutukimo paplitimas

Suaugusieji, 2019

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:4273
Nuorodos:Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. The National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS) Japan, 2019 (English Summary) . Available at https://www.nibiohn.go.jp/eiken/kenkounippon21/download_files/eiyouchousa/2019.pdf (last accessed 22.09.22)
Pastabos (tik anglų k.):Excel results with a breakdown of BMI 25-29.9 & 30=> available at https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&layout=datalist&toukei=00450171&tstat=000001041744&cycle=7&tclass1=000001148507&tclass2val=0
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Suaugusieji, 2018

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:5234
Nuorodos:National Health and Nutrition Survey, 2018 published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Available at https://www.nibiohn.go.jp/eiken/kenkounippon21/download_files/eiyouchousa/2018.pdf (last accessed 17.05.21)
Apibrėžimai (anglų k.):Paper classifies obesity as BMI => 25 Kg/M2
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Suaugusieji, 2012

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Nuorodos:OECD (2015), Overweight or obese population (indicator). doi: 10.1787/86583552-en (Accessed on 17 June 2015) from National Health Nutrition Survey 2012
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Suaugusieji, 2000

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:15000
Nuorodos:Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration. The burden of overweight and obesity in the Asia-Pacific region. Obesity Reviews 2007;8:191-196.
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Suaugusieji, 1986-1990

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Nuorodos:Yoshiike N, Seino F, Tajima S, Arai Y, Kawano M, Furuhata T, Inoue S. Twenty-year changes in the prevalence of overweight in Japanese adults: The National Nutrition Survey 1976-95. Obesity Reviews 2002;3:183-190
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Suaugusieji, 1981-1985

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Nuorodos:Yoshiike N, Seino F, Tajima S, Arai Y, Kawano M, Furuhata T, Inoue S. Twenty-year changes in the prevalence of overweight in Japanese adults: The National Nutrition Survey 1976-95. Obesity Reviews 2002;3:183-190
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Suaugusieji, 1976-1980

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Nuorodos:Yoshiike N, Seino F, Tajima S, Arai Y, Kawano M, Furuhata T, Inoue S. Twenty-year changes in the prevalence of overweight in Japanese adults: The National Nutrition Survey 1976-95. Obesity Reviews 2002;3:183-190
Jei nenurodyta kitaip, antsvoris reiškia KMI nuo 25 kg iki 29,9 kg/m², nutukimas – didesnį nei 30 kg/m² KMI..

Vaikai, 2019

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:393
Nuorodos:Japan National Health and Nutrition 2019 Survey. Excel results available at https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&layout=datalist&toukei=00450171&tstat=000001041744&cycle=7&tclass1=000001148507&tclass2val=0 ('last accessed 27.09.22)
Pastabos (tik anglų k.):NB VERY SMALL SAMPLE SIZE
Apibrėžimai (anglų k.):Determination of obesity by school health statistics survey method. The degree of obesity in 6 to 14 years old was determined from the standard weight by age and height. Degree of obesity (overweight) = (measured weight (kg) - standard weight by height (kg)) / standard by height Weight (kg) x 100 (%) Overweight +20-30% Obesity >30%

Vaikai, 2012

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:2192
Nuorodos:Japan National Health and Nutrition 2012 Survey. Excel results available at https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&layout=datalist&toukei=00450171&tstat=000001041744&cycle=7&tclass1=000001148507&tclass2val=0 ('last accessed 18.09.23)
Apibrėžimai (anglų k.):Determination of obesity by school health statistics survey method. The degree of obesity in 6 to 14 years old was determined from the standard weight by age and height. Degree of obesity (overweight) = (measured weight (kg) - standard weight by height (kg)) / standard by height Weight (kg) x 100 (%) Overweight +20-30% Obesity >30%

Vaikai, 2010

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:655
Nuorodos:Japan National Health and Nutrition 2010 Survey. Excel results available at https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files?page=1&layout=datalist&toukei=00450171&tstat=000001041744&cycle=7&tclass1=000001148507&tclass2val=0 ('last accessed 18.09.23)
Pastabos (tik anglų k.):NB. Small sample size
Apibrėžimai (anglų k.):Determination of obesity by school health statistics survey method. The degree of obesity in 6 to 14 years old was determined from the standard weight by age and height. Degree of obesity (overweight) = (measured weight (kg) - standard weight by height (kg)) / standard by height Weight (kg) x 100 (%) Overweight +20-30% Obesity >30%

Vaikai, 2004-2007

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:1436
Teritorija:Regional - Ina
Nuorodos:Ochiai, Hirotaka, et al. “Changes in Overweight/Obesity and Central Obesity Status from Preadolescence to Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study among Schoolchildren in Japan.” BMC Public Health, vol. 20, no. 1, 17 Feb. 2020, 10.1186/s12889-020-8343-3. Accessed 11.10.21.

Vaikai, 1996-2000

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:56604
Nuorodos:Matsushita Y, Yoshiike N, Kaneda F, Yoshita K, Takimoto H. Trends in Childhood obesity in Japan over the last 25 years from the National Nutrition Survey. Obesity Research 2004;12(2):205-214
Pastabos (tik anglų k.):56604 = total number included for the duration of the study

Vaikai, 1986-1990

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:56604
Nuorodos:Matsushita Y, Yoshiike N, Kaneda F, Yoshita K, Takimoto H. Trends in Childhood obesity in Japan over the last 25 years from the National Nutrition Survey. Obesity Research 2004;12(2):205-214
Pastabos (tik anglų k.):56604 = total number included for the duration of the study

Vaikai, 1976-1980

Tyrimo tipas:Išmatuotas
Imties dydis:56604
Nuorodos:Matsushita Y, Yoshiike N, Kaneda F, Yoshita K, Takimoto H. Trends in Childhood obesity in Japan over the last 25 years from the National Nutrition Survey. Obesity Research 2004;12(2):205-214
Pastabos (tik anglų k.):56604 = total number included for the duration of the study


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