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Prevalencia obezity

Dospelí, 2006

Typ prieskumu:Nameraná hodnota
Veľkosť vzorky:1565
Dotknutá oblasť:Národný
Odkazy:Aruba STEPS Survey 2006 https://cbs.aw/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/STEPS_Aruba_2006_Data_Book.pdf#:~:text=STEPS%20Aruba%202006%20was%20conducted%20from%20October%20to,to%20chronic%20disease%20risk%20factor%20surveillance%E2%80%99%20was%20adopted (last accessed 08.03.22).
Ak nie je uvedené inak, za nadváhu sa považuje, ak je BMI index medzi 25 kg a 29,9 kg/m² a za obezitu sa považuje, ak je BMI index vyšší ako 30 kg/m².

Deti, 2012

Typ prieskumu:Nameraná hodnota
Veľkosť vzorky:641
Dotknutá oblasť:Subnárodné
Odkazy:Youth Health Survey Aruba 2012 - The Department of Public Health of Aruba (DPH) https://cbs.aw/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Youth-Health-Survey-Aruba-2012-Report.pdf (last accessed 08.03.22).
Poznámky (k dispozícii iba v angličtine):The sample for the Youth Health Survey Aruba 2012 was drawn by Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Aruba, using the population data and of the population attending secondary schools. A random sample of all the classes of all 14 secondary schools on Aruba was drawn, comprehending 9058 adolescents. From this sample a sub sample was drawn for the collection of biometrical measurements.
Definície (k dispozícii iba v angličtine):In this survey the normative references for BMI for the male and female adolescents was taken from the Centre of Disease Control (CDC). BMI cut off points for the different weight categories varies for males and females.

Nadváha/obezita pod?a veku

Dospelí, 2006

Typ prieskumu:Nameraná hodnota
Ve?kos? vzorky:798
Dotknutá oblas?:Národný
Odkazy:Aruba STEPS Survey 2006 https://cbs.aw/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/STEPS_Aruba_2006_Data_Book.pdf#:~:text=STEPS%20Aruba%202006%20was%20conducted%20from%20October%20to,to%20chronic%20disease%20risk%20factor%20surveillance%E2%80%99%20was%20adopted (last accessed 08.03.22).
Ak nie je uvedené inak, za nadváhu sa považuje, ak je BMI index medzi 25 kg a 29,9 kg/m² a za obezitu sa považuje, ak je BMI index vyšší ako 30 kg/m².

Deti, 2012

Typ prieskumu:Nameraná hodnota
Ve?kos? vzorky:641
Dotknutá oblas?:Subnárodné
Odkazy:Youth Health Survey Aruba 2012 - The Department of Public Health of Aruba (DPH) https://cbs.aw/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Youth-Health-Survey-Aruba-2012-Report.pdf (last accessed 08.03.22).
Poznámky (k dispozícii iba v angli?tine):The sample for the Youth Health Survey Aruba 2012 was drawn by Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Aruba, using the population data and of the population attending secondary schools. A random sample of all the classes of all 14 secondary schools on Aruba was drawn, comprehending 9058 adolescents. From this sample a sub sample was drawn for the collection of biometrical measurements.
Definície (k dispozícii iba v angli?tine):In this survey the normative references for BMI for the male and female adolescents was taken from the Centre of Disease Control (CDC). BMI cut off points for the different weight categories varies for males and females.

Prevalencia cukrovky

Dospelí, 2021

Dotknutá oblas?:Národný
Odkazy:Reproduced with kind permission International Diabetes Federation.  IDF Diabetes Atlas, 10th edn. Brussels, Belgium:International Diabetes Federation, 2021. http://www.diabetesatlas.org
Definície (k dispozícii iba v angli?tine):Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of diabetes, %

Dospelí, 2019

Odkazy:Reproduced with kind permission International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 9th edn. Brussels,Belgium: 2019. Available at: https://www.diabetesatlas.org
Definície (k dispozícii iba v angli?tine):Diabetes age-adjusted comparative prevalence (%).

Dospelí, 2017

Odkazy:Reproduced with kind permission of IDF, International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8th edition. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2017. http://www.diabetesatlas.org
Definície (k dispozícii iba v angli?tine):Diabetes age-adjusted comparative prevalence (%).


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