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Förekomst av fetma

Vuxna, 2014

Referenser:Fontes, F., Damasceno, A., Jessen, N., Prista, A., Silva-Matos, C., Padrão, P., & Lunet, N. (2019). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Mozambique in 2005 and 2015. Public Health Nutrition, 22(17), 3118-3126. doi:10.1017/S1368980019002325
Om inte annat anges avser övervikt ett BMI mellan 25 kg och 29,9 kg/m², fetma avser ett BMI högre än 30 kg/m².

Kvinnor, 2011

Område som omfattas:Nationell
Referenser:Ministerio da Saude - MISAU/Moçambique, Instituto Nacional de Estatística - INE/Moçambique and ICF International. Moçambique Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2011. Calverton, Maryland, USA: MISA/Moçambique, INE/Moçambique and ICF International. (Portugese)
Anteckningar:Demographic Health Survey data includes ever married women aged 15-49 years only and may include males aged 15-59.
Om inte annat anges avser övervikt ett BMI mellan 25 kg och 29,9 kg/m², fetma avser ett BMI högre än 30 kg/m².

Vuxna, 2005

Område som omfattas:Nationell
Referenser:Mozambique STEPS Survey 2005 Fact Sheet, available at https://extranet.who.int/ncdsmicrodata/index.php/catalog/726/related-materials (last accessed 24.09.21)
Om inte annat anges avser övervikt ett BMI mellan 25 kg och 29,9 kg/m², fetma avser ett BMI högre än 30 kg/m².

Kvinnor, 2003

Område som omfattas:Nationell
Referenser:Instituto Nacional de Estatística/Moçambique, Ministério da Saúde/Moçambique, and MEASURE DHS+/ORC Macro. 2005. Moçambique Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2003. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Instituto Nacional de Estatística/Moçambique, Ministério da Saúde/Moçambique, and MEASURE DHS+/ORC Macro.
Anteckningar:Demographic Health Survey data includes ever married women aged 15-49 years only and may include males aged 15-59.
Om inte annat anges avser övervikt ett BMI mellan 25 kg och 29,9 kg/m², fetma avser ett BMI högre än 30 kg/m².

Kvinnor, 1997

Referenser:SCN (2004). 5th Report on the World Nutrition Situation. Nutrition for Improved Development Outcomes. Appendix 11
Om inte annat anges avser övervikt ett BMI mellan 25 kg och 29,9 kg/m², fetma avser ett BMI högre än 30 kg/m².

Flickor, 2011

Område som omfattas:Nationell
Referenser:Benedict, Rukundo K., Allison Schmale, and Sorrel Namaste. 2018. Adolescent Nutrition 2000-2017: DHS Data on Adolescents Age 15-19. DHS Comparative Report No. 47. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF. Ministerio da Saude - MISAU/Moçambique, Instituto Nacional de Estatística - INE/Moçambique and ICF International. Moçambique Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2011. Calverton, Maryland, USA: MISA/Moçambique, INE/Moçambique and ICF International. (Portugese)
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):BMI for age: between +1 SD and +2 SD is overweight and greater than +2 SD is obesity
Cutoffs:WHO 2007

Infants, 2019-2020

Referenser:Other: Relatório final do Inquérito ao Orçamento Familiar - IOF, 2019/20
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Infants, 2014-2015

Referenser:Other: Relatório final do Inquérito ao Orçamento Familiar - IOF, 2014/15
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Flickor, 2011

Referenser:DHS: Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de Saúde 2011. Demographic and Health Surveys. Calverton, Maryland, USA: MISAU, INE e ICFI, 2013
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Infants, 2011

Referenser:DHS: Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de Saúde 2011. Demographic and Health Surveys. Calverton, Maryland, USA: MISAU, INE e ICFI, 2013
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Infants, 2008

Referenser:MICS: Mozambique multiple indicator cluster survey 2008 (MICS). Maputo, Mozambique: INE, 2009
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Infants, 2003-2004

Referenser:DHS: Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de saúde 2003. Demographic and Health Surveys. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Ministério da Saúde and ORC Macro, 2005
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Infants, 2000-2001

Referenser:CWIQ: Questionario de indicadores basicos de bem-estar (QUIBB): Relatorio final. Maputo, Moçambique: Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas, 2001
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD

Infants, 1997

Referenser:DHS: Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de saude 1997. Demographic and Health Surveys. Instituto Nacional de Estatistica. Maputo, Moçambique, 1998
Anteckningar:UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates Expanded Database: Overweight (Survey Estimates), May 2023, New York. For more information about the methodology, please consult https://data.unicef.org/resources/jme-2023-country-consultations/
Definitioner (endast tillgängliga på engelska):=>+SD


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